How App Developers Can Boost App Response Time

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Credit: katemangostar via

Top 5 Ways App Development Companies Can Improve App Response Time

An app’s response time is critical to an app development company’s success. If your app is too slow, users that have downloaded and tried it will most likely cease using it.

Fortunately, there are numerous steps you can take to increase the speed of your app without overhauling it fully.

Let’s examine five useful ways app development companies can improve app response time to keep users interested:

1. Compress Images to Increase Response Time

You’ve probably heard that compressing images within the app will help reduce download times and improve performance.

But did you know why?

Compression reduces an image’s file size, meaning less data needs to be downloaded for an app to function. This is especially important for mobile apps since it can significantly affect response times.

Optimized image sizes are especially helpful to users with limited data plans who may not want to use up their monthly allowance by downloading large files.

2. Utilize a Cache

A cache is a list of objects stored locally or remotely by your application to speed up data retrieval. A cache can be used to store data for a short or extended period. App development companies can significantly improve performance and reduce the load on their servers by keeping the most frequently accessed objects in the local device user memory of their users.

3. Optimize Coding Effectively

Top app development companies always check for slow-running code and remove it from the application when possible. They also eliminate code that’s not needed by the user or the app.

Good app programmers also ensure that all of an app’s dependencies are properly managed in order to avoid any crashes or memory leaks due to unused objects remaining in memory after they have been discarded.

4. Employ A Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are networks of servers that deliver content on behalf of a website. CDNs allow app development companies to reduce latency and improve performance, especially for large websites with lots of different users in various parts of the world.

It’s not just one server delivering website assets — it’s several servers distributed around the world, all working together to optimize delivery speed.

These networks are always prepared for traffic spikes in the event of viral launches or increasing downloads. CDNs also minimize bottlenecks in delivering those assets because they’ve already been cached by users who visited earlier. This practice establishes a faster experience for every visitor overall.

5. Reduce External HTTP Requests

Reducing the number of external HTTP requests can help app development companies avoid performance issues. Using fewer resources means that there’s less code for your browser to parse and process, cutting down on each page load. In other words, the fewer external URLs the app loads, the faster your app will be.

The Bottom Line

App development is undoubtedly a complex process. One seemingly innocuous factor can significantly impact an app’s performance. Understanding these factors can help optimize an app’s performance and stability. And in today’s increasingly technological world where users expect their mobile apps to be lightning fast, optimization is essential.

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