What You Need To Know About Azure Expert MSPs

microsoft Azure Expert MSPs


Azure Expert Managed Service Provider is a global program initiated by Microsoft to promote and bring to the light the most capable partners. It guides companies to identify and work with top partners. The recognition by Microsoft awards the consumers the assured excellence services of the provider.

The specifications to gain the badge of Azure Expert MSPs are extremely stringent among all the Microsoft programs. The associates are obliged to certify the top skills, customer loyalty and capability to grow. The partners need to commit to futuristic service offerings.

A cloud MSP is something that helps its client with the transition and emergence of the paradigm shift in technology. It guides them in all aspects of the cloud journey – consulting, migrations and operation management. An expert is a proactive support for business investment. Azure Expert MSPs status means that the company has proved its efficiency.

Steps to Qualify for Azure Experts MSPs

1.) Meeting the Requirements

  • The company must initially hold the status of Gold Cloud competency.
  • The organization should possess a high bar of Azure consumed revenue per month.
  • An active Cloud Solution Provider contract must be in place
  • The MSP offers should be listed at Azure MarketPlace
  • The Azure Expert MSPs offering ought to be promoted on the company’s website.
  • The institute should meet the requirement of a minimum number of individuals

2.) Once the prerequisites are met the application process can be submitted for review.

3.) A third-party auditor would conduct an intensive audit against the checklist.

4.) A re-evaluation would be done to check updated technology.

Benefits of Azure Expert MSPs

Reduced costs

IT departments are always in need of a specialist. Working with managed service providers diminishes expenses. With MSP experts companies get access to certified professional experienced Microsoft Azure experts. These skilled experts can be obtained on demand. This reduces the addition of full-time resources to the internal headcount. Moreover, with the guidance of MSP experts, the existing IT team can reduce their workload and have more time for their IT strategic initiatives. It also keeps the costs in check. The MSPs proffer special discounts too.

Easy Migration

An MSP expert can ensure smooth data migration to re-platforming applications for running in the cloud. It provides migration planning, strategy and execution. It considers the specific goals and divergent environment. The Microsoft Azure migration process is important. An MSP assesses and understands business applications and technology environments. It can help to custom design and deploy the solution to unique needs.

Regular Reporting

An MSP provides regular reports on accounts, and key actions to identify the need for changes moving forward. MSP reduces the time spent on report making offering an accurate data cadence.


Azure Expert MSPs accords advanced tools to keep the health of your systems. An MSP can monitor the devices with IP addresses. It keeps a track of disk space, CPU utilization, bandwidth anomalies to optimize performance. They also check configuration changes and backups.


Microsoft Azure MSPs offer 24x 7 services with quick response. The partner assists with flexible, multi-channel support to resolve your issues by phone, email, or live chat. Working with MSP can aid the company reach its goals cost-efficiently. Moreover, it maximizes performance and 24×7 customer support.

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