5 Blog Topic Ideas To Help Your Company Stand Out

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Blogging has long been an effective means of communicating with other industry professionals, as well as with current and potential clients of your small business.

In fact, in 2020 alone, there were more than 31 million bloggers in the United States, and by the end of 2021, the content marketing industry is predicted to be worth more than $412 billion.

Using your blog effectively is essential for your company’s success. This means knowing which types of posts make the biggest splash.

1. Write About the News

When you sign up for a content subscription service, your blog writer can set up Google Alerts for keywords related to your small business. When relevant news about your industry is trending, the writer can use it to create blog posts about it. Focusing on relevant current topics and providing information for others in the industry, as well as for your clients, shows you care about your business enough to stay up to date on the important facts. To clients, this will translate to knowing you’ll provide excellent service.

2. Create a How-To Post

Consumers often prefer to learn if they can do something on their own before hiring a professional. If you want to gain the trust of your clients, consider writing a how-to blog post that shows them how to perform simple maintenance or another DIY task related to your industry. Have your blog writer end the post with a section detailing which types of situations require a professional. Include a call to action directing the reader to call your company when professional help is necessary.

3. Build a List of Helpful Tools

New technology is released every day. Depending on what type of business you run, you may ask your blog writers to compile a list of the best apps or software for your industry. For example, if you work with other businesses, you can create a list of tools that helps companies manage inventory, customer information, and more. Interior designers can create a list of apps that help clients organize their design ideas, check out color combinations, and more. This not only helps clients feel in control of their design ideas but will also help you to stay organized during the design process.

4. Tell a Story

When you sign up for a blog subscription service, the manager will ask you all about your business and what you want from your service. This is an excellent time for you to tell the company all about your own company, which will allow them to weave it into a blogworthy story. Consider why you decided to start your own business, what it took for you to open your doors, whether you had setbacks, and how you are succeeding now. Other story ideas may include an experience you had at a recent event or testimonials from favorite clients.

5. Add Video Content

There are no rules that say your blog post needs to be all text. In fact, research has proven that blogs with plenty of high-quality images, video content, or infographics gain more attention than those that rely solely on text to convey their message. Consider asking your blog manager to help you create a behind-the-scenes video post, an interview with some of your best employees, or something else visually stimulating that shows off the personalities behind your company’s brand.

The Takeaway

For the best results, it is important to update your company’s blog at least once a week. That can be difficult when you’re inundated with other tasks you need to do to keep your company afloat. Luckily, blog content subscription services allow you to work with professional, trained writers who worry about keeping your blog updated so you don’t have to.

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