Why Your Cloud is Missing the Mark (And How You Can Fix It)

cloud computing fixes


Most businesses have a presence in the cloud, even if it’s a rouge dropbox account or a self-hosted space to share products with clients.

However, using these sporadic and not well-researched cloud solutions can put businesses off of reasonable quality cloud solutions designed to make their life a little easier.

The illusion of a lousy cloud is a little outdated, considering the caliber of systems running the current generation of cloud computers.

So, let’s take a look at why your cloud could be missing the mark and how you can fix it.

1. Performance/Speed

The speed and performance of a cloud system are integral to its success. If a user is working on a highly graphical piece of work across a slow connection with a PC that can’t hack it, we’ve already failed them.

A solid internet connection at the source of the cloud and the end user’s location is crucial to the success of the cloud solution. If it takes too long to register a click or complete a task, the employee, in the end, will become agitated and stressed, leading to a bad working environment.

How to fix it: Do some research into cloud providers, ensuring they can provide the systems you need for the tasks you conduct. Explore options with them and enquire about minimum down and upload speeds to manage expectations. Conduct trials with those providers to assess which provides the best platform and service.

2. Integration

Integrating a new product can be tricky when you already have so much data on platforms and on-premise infrastructure. Out-of-the-box solutions don’t always have the functionality to integrate with your current systems, leading to disjointed systems that don’t talk to each other and employees with multiple logins for multiple systems.

The great thing about cloud solutions, especially in the past few years, is API integration, meaning most products can be customized and adapted to integrate with your existing solutions. Whether it’s a temporary or a permanent link, your cloud solutions provider should be able to help you blend products in the way you need.

How to fix it: Speak to your potential or current cloud provider and enquire about API integration. How easy will it be to link systems, and how long until it is up and running?

3. Security

It can be scary pushing so much of your company data into the cloud without being in control of the cloud computing security. Your cloud provider must ensure you have the correct security protocols to protect your data from nefarious threat actors, and entrusting a third party can seem like a leap of faith.

If you’re using a standard account or shared account rather than the business-grade instance of a domestic product, your data protection probably isn’t up to scratch.

How to fix it: Invest in the business version of your cloud services, or engage with a cloud specialist company to advise you on the best course of action. Some specialist companies can provide customized solutions to ensure your legislative and regulatory bases are covered.

The Bottom Line

If your business has a presence in the “cloud”, it’s imperative that you fix any potential problems before they become real world problems.

Three ways you can do this is to take a closer look at your security, integration, and performance. If any of these are missing the mark, you need to dial things in.

Try the tips in this guide to fix your cloud and ensure the success of your business!

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