Why You Need Local SEO Marketing Services for Your Small Business

local seo

Imagine you own a hair salon in New York. Now imagine a potential customer performs a Google search for “hair salon New York.” It should be easy for them to find your salon, right?

Think again. There are 7,987 hair salons in New York, but only 10 will appear on the first page of search results.

What can you do to ensure that your business listing shows up on that all-important first page? The secret lies in your local SEO marketing strategy.

What is local SEO? Why is it important? And how can local SEO marketing services help your business grow? Keep reading below for the answers.

What Is Local SEO Marketing?

You’re probably already familiar with the concept of SEO (search engine optimization). This involves optimizing your website to be easily indexed by Google — and easily found by potential customers.

Local SEO goes one step further by optimizing your site for local search results. In other words, it puts your business in front of people who are looking for your services in your area.

Let’s go back to our hair salon in New York. How much will it benefit you if you’re getting tons of traffic to your website, but it’s coming from users in Seattle or Miami? No matter how amazing your services are, no one’s going to travel across the country to visit your salon.

This is where local SEO marketing comes in — by adding your geographical location to the search equation.

What Do Local SEO Marketing Services Do?

Local SEO involves a variety of factors to increase your company’s online presence. This includes optimizing your Google My Business account, which makes your business easy to find on Google Maps.

Why does this matter? Consider these stats:

  • 46% of Google searches are linked to something local
  • 50% of people who search for a store on Google maps visit it within one day
  • 92% of users select a business from the first page of search results

This is a vital part of local SEO, but it’s only the beginning. Marketing professionals stay up to date with the latest local SEO ranking factors to ensure your business remains competitive and highly visible.

In 2022, this includes NAP consistency (name, address, phone number) everywhere your business appears online. It also involves geotagging images related to your business, as well as adding location-relevant keywords to your website and social media accounts.

SEO services will also work to get backlinks from local companies and business directories to bolster your online presence. Think of backlinks as “street credit” to both search engines and potential customers.

All of these tactics combined help to bring you more business from clientele in your local area. By increasing your organic traffic, you’ll also save on advertising costs while building trust and authority for your brand.

Find the Best SEO Services Near You

If you want people in your area to discover your business, you can’t leave your marketing to chance. Educate yourself about local SEO or, even better, reach out to local SEO marketing services to develop the best strategy for your brand.

Looking for more great business, tech, and computer advice? Keep browsing our site for other helpful articles like this one.

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