The Top 4 Best IT Jobs for a New Career in 2022

best it jobs


In recent years, it’s often felt as though the world was standing still. And though this has been the case for some industries, others have not only kept moving but grown to new heights.

One of the fastest-growing industries, not just in the last two years but the last two decades, is technology. With the right set of skills, you can land an exciting career that offers remote work and an amazing salary.

The best part is, there are a variety of options to choose from! To learn all about the best IT jobs available in the coming year, just keep reading.

1. Mobile Applications Developer

Many people are forgoing the use of computers and using their smartphones for the bulk of their browsing instead. With that in mind, every business needs an application, and every application needs a developer, making this one of the best computer jobs out there.

As a mobile applications developer, you’ll create apps for iOS and Android in a variety of categories. You must have experience coding and a thorough knowledge of web development languages, but you can expect a salary of around $140,000 per year.

2. Information Systems Security Manager

Think about how many accounts you have across the internet. Each one of those accounts has at least a portion of your personal information stored, and some have extremely sensitive data, such as your social security and credit card numbers.

With all the personal information floating around the internet, IT security professionals have never been more important! As a cyber security specialist, you’ll be responsible for keeping up with security trends and providing high-quality security to businesses and individuals.

To make this job even better, it’s one of the highest-paid jobs in IT! With the required certifications, you can make about $160,000 per year.

3. Senior Web Developer

If you have a creative streak as well as a passion for technology, becoming a senior web developer is the best career in IT for you. Working with businesses, you’ll design, build, and optimize websites and applications.

You’ll need experience with programming languages and an understanding of SEO, along with the appropriate degree and certifications. As a senior web developer, you’ll have the option to either work for a firm or on a freelance basis and make around $130,000 per year.

4. Data Scientist

Though a career as a data scientist offers a slightly different experience than other IT jobs, it’s still one of the best tech jobs in the industry!

You’ll use artificial intelligence, predictive modeling, and machine learning to manage and analyze enormous amounts of data. Using your findings, you’ll help businesses cultivate successful strategies.

Now, you’ll need strong skills in both math and technology, but you can expect to make almost $100,000 per year.

Take the Next Step in Life With One of the Best IT Jobs

If you have a passion for computers and technology, there’s no better route to take with your career than IT.

A career in technology offers the opportunity to do what you love and make a great salary along the way – what could be better? And because these are some of the best IT jobs out there, you can’t go wrong!

On the other hand, maybe you’re now thinking you’d rather keep technology as a hobby rather than make it a career. If that’s the case, take a look at our blog! We have career inspiration for every industry.

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