How To Market and Fundraise Your Enterprise Successfully



The marketing and fundraising sectors are very closely related in that people need to know a great deal about you or your business if they’re going to support your cause or buy your products and services.

Whether you’re the owner of a social enterprise or a charity, the ability to skillfully market and fundraise will be crucial to your success.

Tips to Help You Successfully Market and Fundraise Your Business

Here are four tips to help you successfully market and fundraise your business…

1. Know and share what your brand stands for

There is no way that you’ll be able to share or expand and fundraise unless you are sure about what your brand stands for. The brand message has to be as clear as possible before you are able to share it, and then it’s all about keeping this brand messaging as consistent as possible.

2. Research and understand the market and your target audience

Once you have a clear brand message, your business or organization needs to know exactly where your clients and potential customers are. You will need to use the same platforms that they are on in order to engage and interact with them. Knowing the type of audience that your business needs to attract and approach is a critical step in this process. Hence the importance of market as well as customer research.

3. Your business or enterprise must be where your most receptive audiences are

There is no way that you can be on all the social media platforms out there! As such, you need to determine the best ones for your business or enterprise. If it’s a politically motivated enterprise or organization, you should use the precise political fundraising platform that is frequented by the type of consumer or supporter that your enterprise needs.

There are a number of platforms and means to reach your clients, potential funders and supporters, and you just need to on the right ones. This is also about having the right technology at your disposal and using this to cogently communicate and interact with your audience.

4. Create special or specific merchandise

It has become important for businesses and non-profits alike to use a specific event or product to create a buzz and drive the marketing momentum. Either specifically branded or designed merchandise that will promote the non-profit or enterprise can be sold or given away as freebies, depending on the product itself – or there can be a new range of services and products that can carry the new brand and be used to share awareness with consumers or supporters.

The Bottom Line

Marketing and fundraising are very closely related, and whether it is for a highly profitable business, a social enterprise or a non-profit, it is a process that all types of businesses and brands need to execute as professionally as possible.

Anyone that is going to support your brand by either buying the services and products on offer or directly investing their money in your enterprise, needs to know what the brand stands for and then be in close communication and engagement with this brand on whatever platforms they use.

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