Why You Should Upgrade Your Investor Relations Website

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When was the last time you updated your Investor Relations website?

While some experts say you should routinely tweak your UX, a complete redesign or overhaul should be done less often. Rebuilding your website too frequently can cause confusion with your investors and undermine your IR narrative.

However, holding onto stale design and outdated content won’t do you any favors either.

Confused yet? If you aren’t sure when you should take the plunge and overhaul your website, here are five times when you should consider it.

1. To Strengthen IR Narrative and Brand Continuity at Key Moments

Creating a strong investor relations narrative that reflects your brand is vital to investors. That’s according to the latest Digital Investor Survey conducted by the Brunswick Group, which surveyed 250 global institutional investors.

These investors shared that a strong IR narrative was particularly important in the following situations:

    • Conducting mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
    • Listing new shares (SPACs and IPOs)
    • Facing shareholder activism
    • Installing a new CEO
    • Encountering litigation

If your company is currently undergoing any of the above situations, talk to a design consulting firm about the best way to create a fully branded narrative that underscores your investment value. These firms will have a portfolio of websites designed for investor relations officers looking to strengthen their brand.

2. To Integrate Traffic with the Rest of Your Digital Engagements

No IR site should be an island. A siloed website that doesn’t integrate automatically with the rest of your IR tools is a missed opportunity.

After all, your website naturally collects data about your audience and their behavior. These engagement metrics can provide invaluable insights into your shareholder base, as well as identify the curious investors whose digital activity indicates they need attention.

If your current IR site doesn’t funnel data into the rest of your IR platform, talk to a consulting firm today. They can direct you towards an all-in-one suite of investor tools that integrates your website traffic seamlessly with other tools, including CRM and webcasting tech.

3. Update Your ESG Initiatives to Match New Regulations

Bloomberg estimates ESG assets could surpass $50 trillion by 2025, at which point they would make up one-third of the total projected assets in the world. This trend is fuelled by investors who want to invest in companies making positive Environmental, Social, and Governance changes.

With such a focus on ESG assets, many companies are positioning themselves as an ESG fund. However, with the latest changes to ESG reporting regulations, this may be harder to do than ever before.

Overhauling your IR website to highlight your ESG initiatives gives you a chance to start fresh. While working with an ESG consultant, you can showcase your strategy in a way that fulfills the SEC’s newest disclosure requirements. They may even suggest creating an independent ESG website to show how invested you are in sustainability.

4. Unpredictable Downtimes

Last but not least, unmanageable downtime is another reason why you should upgrade your site. While every site may need some downtime for maintenance, this work should be infrequent, brief, and scheduled far in advance.

If you’re constantly troubleshooting unplanned downtime, it indicates there’s something wrong with your server. The best IR websites will be available around the clock, so you and your investors won’t be disappointed.

Overhaul Your IR Site with Discretion

Constantly updating your site design is never a good idea. However, well-timed updates can help strengthen your IR strategy.

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