The Best States for Solar Energy

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Are you considering switching to solar energy but don’t know where to start? This blog post will guide you through the best states for solar energy and provide valuable tips on how to maximize its benefits.

With increasing concerns about climate change and rising energy costs, transitioning to solar power is becoming more popular than ever before. So, let’s dive in and explore the top states that are leading the way toward a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Read on!


California is the undisputed solar powerhouse of America. The state has more solar PV capacity installed than any other, by a massive margin – almost 10 times as much as its nearest rival, Arizona. California also has the highest number of solar jobs in the US.

The state’s sunny climate and forward-thinking environmental policies are the main reasons behind California’s success in harnessing solar power. Solar energy provides around 8% of California’s electricity, and this is projected to increase to 20% by 2030.

A key factor in California’s success with solar power is the state’s strong commitment to renewable energy. In 2002, California became the first state in America to mandate that utilities get a certain percentage of their power from renewable sources. There is also a federal tax credit available for 30% of the cost of installing a solar PV system.


Arizona is one of the states with most solar energy, and there are a few reasons why. First, the state has a lot of sun – which is necessary for solar power to work! Arizona gets more sunlight than any other state in the country. This makes it an ideal place to install solar panels.

Another reason Arizona is a great state for solar energy is because of its net metering laws. Net metering allows homeowners with solar panels to sell excess electricity back to the grid at retail prices. This can help offset the cost of installation and maintenance of your solar panel system.

Finally, Arizona offers several incentives and rebates for installing solar panels. These can further offset the upfront cost of going solar. So if you’re thinking about making the switch to renewable energy, Arizona is a state to consider!


Nevada is one of the best states for solar energy, thanks to its sunny climate and favorable policies. Solar panels installed in Nevada can generate more electricity than in any other state, making it an ideal location for solar power.

Nevada’s net metering policy is among the most generous in the country, allowing homeowners and businesses to receive full credit for the excess electricity their solar panels produce. This makes it easy for Nevadans to maximize the benefits of going solar. In addition, the state offers a property tax exemption for solar installations, further reducing the cost of going solar.

New Mexico

New Mexico is one of the best states for solar power sources, and there are several reasons why. First, the state has an average of 300 days of sunshine per year, making it an ideal location for solar panels.

Additionally, New Mexico has a variety of incentives and programs to encourage residents to switch to solar power. And finally, the state has a goal of getting 20% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020.

If you’re interested in switching to solar power in New Mexico, there are a few things you can do to maximize your investment. First, take advantage of the state’s tax credits and rebates. Second, consider signing up for a community solar program. And finally, make sure to choose a reputable installer who can help you get the most out of your solar panel system.


The Lone Star State has some of the best solar resources in the country, and its electric grid is one of the largest and most interconnected in the world. That’s why Texas is a leader in solar energy development, with more than 5,000 megawatts (MW) of installed solar capacity – enough to power more than 800,000 homes.

The cost of solar has fallen by more than 70% over the past decade, making it a much more attractive option for homeowners and businesses alike. The state offers strong incentives for going solar. Texas offers several incentive programs that make going solar even more attractive, including a generous rebate program for residential installations and property tax exemptions for commercial projects.


Utah is one of the best states for solar power sources, thanks to its high average solar radiation, low costs of installation and maintenance, and generous incentives. Solar panels in Utah produce more electricity per square foot than in any other state except Arizona.

And while the upfront cost of installing a solar system can be significant, Utah residents can take advantage of federal tax credits and state rebates to offset some of the costs. Additionally, there are several financing options available to make going solar more affordable.

North Carolina

North Carolina has a strong solar resource, with an average of 5.7 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of sunlight per square meter per day.1 This is about 30% more sunlight than the average for the southeastern United States, making North Carolina an excellent location for solar power generation.

In addition to its strong solar resource, North Carolina offers several financial incentives to encourage the development of solar energy. The state offers a 35% tax credit for the purchase and installation of solar systems, as well as a 30% federal tax credit.2 These incentives make going solar more affordable for North Carolina residents and businesses.

South Carolina

South Carolina is one of the best states for solar power, and there are a few reasons why. For one, the state has great solar incentives, including a generous tax credit and a solid net metering policy. And secondly, South Carolina has great solar resources, with an average of 5.6-kilowatt hours per square meter per day of sun.

If you’re looking to go solar in South Carolina, there are a few things you can do to maximize your investment. Take advantage of the state’s incentives by claiming the tax credit and net metering for your system. Make sure to size your system appropriately for your needs – too small and you won’t get the full benefit of going solar; too large and you’ll be wasting money on unnecessary capacity.

Finally, keep an eye on the sun – South Carolina gets plenty of it, but there are still times when clouds can block out the sun’s rays and reduce your system’s output.


As one of the sunniest states in the US, it’s no surprise that Florida is a great place for solar energy. With an average of over 200 days of sunshine per year, Florida has the potential to produce a lot of solar power.

There are a few reasons why Florida is a great state for solar energy. As mentioned above, Florida has an abundance of sunshine which makes it ideal for solar power production.

Solar panels are becoming increasingly affordable and Florida has some of the lowest prices in the country. The state of Florida offers several incentives and rebates for homeowners and businesses who install solar panels, making it even more affordable to go solar.

Net metering is available in Florida, which means that you can sell any excess electricity that your solar panels generate back to the grid at retail rates. This can help offset the cost of your system and even make you money!

New York

New York is one of the best states for solar energy for a few reasons. New York has a lot of sun – on average, there are about 205 sunny days per year. This means that there is plenty of opportunity to generate solar power. Second, New York has a high electricity rate – about 20 cents per kilowatt-hour.

This means that solar power can save you a lot of money on your electric bill. Finally, New York offers a great incentive for going solar – a 30% tax credit. This means that you can get up to $6,000 back on your taxes when you install solar panels. Solar power is a great investment in New York and can save you money on your electric bill every month.

New Jersey

New Jersey is one of the best states for solar energy, and there are a few reasons why. First, the state has a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) that requires utilities to source 20% of their electricity from renewable sources by 2020, and solar is a part of that standard.

In addition, New Jersey’s net metering policies are favorable to solar customers, as they allow you to get full retail credit for any excess electricity your system produces. Finally, the state offers several incentives for going solar, including tax breaks and rebates.

If you’re interested in going solar in New Jersey, the first step is to find out if your home is eligible for solar panels. You can do this by contacting your local utility company or checking the website of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.

Once you’ve determined that your home is suitable for solar, you’ll need to find an installer. The New Jersey Office of Clean Energy offers a list of certified contractors who can help you get started with your project.


Maryland is one of the best states for solar energy, and there are several reasons for this. The state has a high average solar radiation exposure, which means that there is more potential for solar energy production. Additionally, Maryland has a strong net metering policy in place.

This allows homeowners and businesses to receive full credit for the excess electricity their solar panels generate. The state offers a variety of financial incentives for those who install solar panels, including tax credits and rebates. Combined, these factors make Maryland an ideal state for solar energy development.


Oregon is a state in the Pacific Northwest with a diverse landscape, including forests, mountains, rivers, and coastline. The state is known for its progressive values and its commitment to renewable energy.

Oregon was one of the first states in the country to adopt a Renewable Portfolio Standard, which requires utilities to source a certain percentage of their electricity from renewable sources. Solar energy is a key part of Oregon’s renewable energy mix.

In addition, Oregon has some of the best net metering policies in the country, which allows homeowners and businesses with solar PV systems to get full credit for the electricity they generate.


Washington state is a great place for solar energy, thanks to its abundant sunshine and strong solar incentives. Washington has the third-highest average solar insolation (sunshine) in the country, and its incentive programs make it one of the most attractive states for solar investment.

The state offers several financial incentives for solar energy, including a rebate program that covers up to 30% of the cost of a residential solar system. Additionally, there are several tax credits available for both residential and commercial solar projects.

These incentives make solar an attractive option for those looking to save money on their energy bills or reduce their environmental impact. Washington also has several policies in place that support the growth of solar energy. Net metering allows customers with solar panels to receive credit for the excess electricity they generate.


Vermont is one of the best states for solar energy, and there are several reasons why. Vermont has a very strong renewable energy portfolio standard, which requires that utilities get a certain percentage of their power from renewable sources like solar. This helps to create a market for solar and drives down the cost of solar panels and installation.

Additionally, Vermont has some of the highest electricity rates in the country, which makes going solar a more attractive proposition. And finally, Vermont has great solar resources, with plenty of sun and few clouds. All of these factors make Vermont an ideal state for solar energy.

Whichever state you are in for the best solar energy source, make sure that you also get the best solar company for all your solar installation needs.

The Takeaway

Overall, solar energy is becoming an increasingly viable choice for many households. Above, we’ve listed the best states for solar energy. The figures and statistics have changed over time, so it helps you to do your research and be up to date from time to time.

Whether you are considering solar energy as an environmental choice or as a financial decision, these states can provide the resources you need for success.

For more helpful reads aside from this topic, explore the rest of our bog.

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