Mobile Gaming as the Driving Force Behind the Growth of the Global Video Gaming Market

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Mobile phones have become part of our lives more than ever today. The popularity of mobile phones paired with advancements in technology have also helped games follow this trend, with mobile gaming becoming a staple in our culture.

In 2020, mobile gaming accounted for almost half of the global video gaming revenue, with the market expected to surpass the $100 billion mark by 2023. Unsurprisingly, this mobile gaming revolution is significantly transforming the video gaming landscape in the US, China and Europe. Here, we’ll discuss how mobile gaming is the driving force helping to boost the global video gaming market.

The Rise in Popularity of Mobile gaming

From free to play games to a great and wide range of mobile casino games, mobile gaming has created a new entertainment platform that adds additional value to the industry. These games are accessible through tablets or smartphones, which has helped popularize them as they’re accessible to a wider audience base compared to PC and console games. Some of these games are also available on non-mobile devices like Personal computers.

The mobile gaming industry is currently worth over $86 billion and has continued growing from year to year. This staggering figure is because mobile gaming is popular than any other video gaming market around the world. The number of players choosing mobile gaming has already surpassed PC and console gamers combined.

Technological advances have also been a significant part of this growth in the mobile gaming sector. These technologies include 5G, cloud gaming and others that allow multiple players to enjoy multi-player modes without issues. Additionally, mobile gaming was among the first markets to use motion capture technology, popularly used in films.

Reduced Gaming Prices

Smartphones have proven to be great distribution mechanisms for games, as they lower the developing costs significantly. In the past, game development costs were quite high, with marketing expenditure also taking price even higher. That severely hampered the gaming business in various ways, and games were quite expensive for that reason.

Thanks to the high accessibility level brought by smartphones, players can easily access games from the App Store/ Play Store with a single click. Games’ manufacturing and marketing costs have also been reduced significantly, and developers can earn more revenue using in-app purchases. Additionally, most mobile games today come with enhanced graphics, novel gaming mechanics and outstanding sound quality, making the games enjoyable more than ever.

A Broad Audience Base Worldwide

The rise of mobile technologies has helped game developers to emphasize mobile gaming experiences. These developers have focused on bringing the most recent strategy games and puzzles to mobile gaming while also delivering slots accessible through mobile phones.

To reach a wider audience in the current highly-competitive market, several casino operators are also offering their apps through the app stores. Additionally, adult users can download the apps from the casino website to enjoy slots, jackpots and live mobile casino games.

Popular Franchises are Now in the Mobile Gaming Market

Several well-known game publishers have transitioned from console gaming to creating mobile games in recent years. For example, Pokemon Go launched in the mobile gaming market in 2016 and soon became a global sensation. Both old and new Pokemon fans enjoyed going outside with the app and getting to capture Pokemons near their vicinity.

PUBG Mobile also started as a computer game, and later it was modified to suit mobile devices. The game is currently among the most famous titles in the battle royale craze, with a significant impact on PUBG enthusiasts and mobile gamers.

The Changing Digital Landscape

Mobile devices have grown from QWERTY devices used for communicating to smartphones capable of managing myriads of daily tasks. That has helped the gaming industry to grow significantly, with new technologies like 5G and cloud gaming expected to push the video gaming industry even further. That will gradually see traditional mobile games getting phased out by titles with compelling storylines.

Holistic Gaming

While traditional mobile games were restricted to a specific genre, that’s all changing in the current video gaming market. Traditional mobile games were also not quite popular to the public because of poor game mechanics and bad user interfaces. However, game interfaces have become more comprehensive with technological advancements, and publishers have taken note of the possibilities of mobile gaming applications. These mobile gaming applications come with good storylines and provide the players with a complete gaming experience.


Smartphones, the internet and other modern technologies have transformed the global gaming market, with most experts predicting they’ll be a major part of the future. More technological breakthroughs in the future are also expected to transform the market into a multibillion-dollar business with billions of players worldwide. Additionally, you can expect future developments in the mobile gaming market to be geared towards integrating the games with the real world.

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