Tech Tips: Common Computer Monitor Issues (And Tips to Fix Them)

monitor fixes


Did you know that right around half of the private households across the globe are thought to own at least one computer? Many computers that people have in their homes are desktop computers that make use of a computer monitor in order to see the screen and control the actions of the computer.

These monitors are great for seeing the different programs that you use for things like projects, homework, and business. Unfortunately, sometimes issues arise and tech tips are needed in order to get rid of your computer monitor problems. It might be lines on computer screen or other computer monitor issues.

Knowing these issues is the first step to overcoming them and using your computer to accomplish your tasks and goals. The good news is that you’re in the perfect place to learn more about these computer monitor issues and some helpful tricks on how to fix them.

Keep reading this article to learn more…

Top 5 Common Computer Monitor Issues and Tips to Fix Them

1. Stuttering or Flickering Computer Monitor

A common issue when it comes to a computer monitor is the stutter or the flickering of the screen when you’re using the computer. The first thing that you should check is the cable that plugs into the back of the monitor from the computer itself. Make sure that this cable is plugged in properly and that it isn’t loose at either end.

If your monitor is still flickering then the next thing that you should try is replacing that cable and seeing if the issue goes away or gets resolved. Make sure that you restart computer monitor after you replace the cable. It is also a good idea to check the power cable for the monitor to stay on the safe side.

Another possible cause of your computer monitor issues is the refresh rate of the monitor that you’re using. The refresh rate is the statistic that gets used to measure the number of times per second that a computer monitor sends the picture or signal. The average computer monitor is around 60 hertz.

Go into the operating system for your computer to find out the refresh rate for your monitor. Find the screen refresh rate and make sure that it is set to the right level. If that doesn’t resolve the issue then it is a power issue somewhere else in the computer and monitor system.

2. Vertical Lines

Vertical lines are never something that a computer owner wants to see when they start up their computer for work or fun. These vertical lines are sometimes black and other times they feature colors. There are many different things that could cause this issue with your computer monitor.

The first things that you’ll want to try are the steps outlined when you’re facing a flickering screen with your computer monitor. If none of those steps gets you to the bottom of the issue then odds are that it is something wrong with the screen itself. A great way to find out if the screen is the issue is to try hooking it to a different computer or laptop and find out if the problem persists.

If the monitor has the same problem while hooked up to a different laptop then you’re going to need to start shopping for a new computer monitor. This issue comes as a result of issues in the LCD panel and it isn’t worth the money it will take to repair the monitor. You can learn more about lines on your monitor here.

3. Dead Screen Panels

A dead panel on your screen of your computer monitor looks like a small dot that doesn’t light up like the surrounding areas of the screen do. Dead screen panels are similar to stuck screen panels in the sense that they don’t react to whatever you’re displaying on the screen.

The difference is that dead screen panels stay black no matter what you’re watching on the screen. Stuck panels are stuck in a particular color and aren’t affected by what the screen displays.

Dead pixels are a bit of a dead issue as there isn’t much that you can do about them. They’re a result of your screen malfunctioning in a physical way so you’re not going to be able to fix this issue. The good news is that it’s a small enough issue that you can work around it and ignore it.

Stuck pixels are more manageable if you encounter one on your computer monitor. There are things that you can do in order to get the pixel unstuck, like massaging your computer monitor screen or running programs that will cycle the pixels through numerous colors at a high speed.

4. Cracks and Blotches

Cracks and blotches are also common issues that you might encounter with your computer monitor. If you find that your computer monitor has a visible crack then odds are that you’re better off purchasing a replacement instead of trying to repair the screen. That is a sign of physical trauma that resulted in a damaged LCD panel, which is expensive to fix.

Keep in mind that even if you have warranty coverage for your computer monitor, odds are that the warranty doesn’t cover physical damage. The only way around the issue is to start shopping and reading reviews on computer monitors.

5. Buzzing

There are also occasions where you’ll hear your computer monitor making a buzzing noise. The most common reason behind the buzzing noise that you hear is that something is up with the backlight of your monitor. The backlight uses florescent tubing if you own an older computer monitor and it results from poor regulation of power and electricity when you’re using the computer monitor.

Follow These Tech Tips to Overcome These Common Computer Monitor Problems

Technology is advancing at a rapid rate and it can sometimes feel like a lot to keep up with. Tech tips are a great way to help you overcome any tech issues that you encounter at home, like computer monitor issues. Now you’re ready to face issues like lines on computer screen in your home.

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