3 Can’t Miss Digital Investments for 2022

digital investments


If 2021 taught anything, it was to expect the unexpected — and that goes for digital investments, too. Now is the best time to discover digital opportunities looming on the horizon for the shiny new year ahead. Read on for three ways you can make smart online investments now to set yourself up for success in 2022 and in the years to come.

1. For Security

Identity theft is on the rise, doubling from 2019 to 2020. You have insurance on your car and your home, why not opt for a form of insurance over your identity? While there is no perfect solution against identity theft, there are ways you can help thwart online thieves from siphoning your personal information. You need a solution offering real-time threat protection, a no-log secure VPN, credit monitoring and safe cam. Fortunately, you can this all-in-one protection with Norton 360 and LifeLock.

Online security shouldn’t be complicated. Make the investment into protecting your identity and privacy with a comprehensive solution to provide a buffer between hackers or spammers and your personal information.

2. For Fun

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) gained steam in 2021, snagging media attention due to their appearance and money-generating success in unlikely venues. Traditional auction house Christie’s sold an NFT for a whopping $69 million by digital artist Beeple. That was a first for Christie’s, but that wasn’t the only mega news story regarding NFTs. Even the NBA is cashing in on the new NFT action.

The NBA sold highlight clips as NFTs in a unique collaboration between Dapper Labs and the NBA in the form of images and dunking clips, with $230 million in sale generation so far. Small packages frequently sell out and fast. The market and reach of NFTs will only grow from there. As marketing firms and companies vie for audience attention, NFTs will be a new monetary investment stretching across a variety of industries and fields that should make for great entertainment and excellent future resale value.

3. For Money

Cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, is old news having first appeared in early 2010. But the entrance of cryptocurrency into the mainstream, and attracting a huge swell of fans in the process, is certainly a new development. In fact, Yahoo News shares that Bitcoin was the best-performing asset over the last decade, offering up a 230 percent annualized return.

Take a look at El Salvador, the first nation-state who adopted Bitcoin as legal tender. While the goal is to thwart inflation and provide increased financial options to its citizens, they won’t be the last. Other nations are sure to follow suit. If you haven’t delved into cryptocurrency, 2022 is going to be the year you don’t want to miss. Get in now to reap the benefits.

For Your Future

Make 2022 a year to remember, not a year of regret. Stay on top of the latest NFT news so you never miss the next big thing or investment opportunity. Learn where to invest in cryptocurrency and keep your financial assets growing. Most important of all, keep your identity under wraps with the comprehensive identity theft protection of Norton 360 and LifeLock.

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