Driving to the Future: Vehicle Innovations that We’re Likely to See Soon

vehicle innovations of the future


In today’s world, technology is seemingly the answer to everything. Thanks to the endless possibilities technology brings, the automotive industry has grown immensely because of it.

The automotive industry has evolved with electric cars, self-driving cars, and other amazing innovations that has become a norm in our everyday lives. This trend continues to grow, as car manufacturers are looking to design even more technologically advanced vehicles. It’s a very serious possibility that AI might take over in operating automobiles.

These innovative changes will make our lives easier while also keeping us informed like never before. However, how far will our tech bring us? How far has tech brought us? Will there ever be flying cars? Will we ever reach a point where cars drive without ANY human interaction at all?

It’s 2021 – Where are the self-driving cars?

In this age of AI, people are talking about self-driving cars more than ever. It was predicted that in 2021, we’ll millions of self-driving cars on the roads. But we’re here, and the cars aren’t. Extraordinary efforts are being taken by tech automotive companies to reach their goals. You can purchase a vehicle that will automatically brake when it anticipates a crash. But the predictions of creating self-driving cars are rolling back, as engineering companies are struggling to make the cars work properly.

The idea behind might be simple, as the cars must have cameras that can keep tracking the surroundings and objects on the road, while navigating to the destination. But this simple idea comes with a lot of difficulty. Driving might be simple for some of you out there, but it’s actually a very complicated activity we do. There’s a list of rules of the roads, but not enough to drive as people do. And this is because humans do things while they drive, like eye contact, react to objects around and weather, and so on.

However, just because it’s taking longer to design the self-driving cars than it was announced, it doesn’t mean that you won’t drive one someday. The past decade was great for AI (artificial intelligence) – we’ve witnessed big advances in computer vision, game-playing, object recognition, and so on. While AI had a hard time recognizing things in pictures, now, this is a minor task. Self-driving cars will make a huge difference for people with disabilities, for example, or those who don’t have a driving license, and want to get to work, doctor, or to the store.

It’s not long until we can see the arrival of these cars this year – self-driving cars are on their way, maybe closer than we can expect.

“Where do I park my car?”

Well, this has long been a concern for all drivers across the world. Crowded cities around the world with endless highways, and millions of cars are raising their worries for parking spots. Simply think: you’re meeting with your friends in the city center, or maybe you want to go for shopping. But you drive alone for a while and cannot find a parking spot. The traffic makes you anxious, and you simply don’t have an empty spot to park your car. Now the feeling of regret starts to control you, and you realize there’s no way you can fit into any of the available spaces. You can feel the sweat dripping down your face, while there’s a handful of cars waiting behind you.

We’ve all been there. Nobody likes to make hundreds of maneuvers to fit into a space between two cars. This can be terrifying especially for a beginner. Let’s say you live in Los Angeles, which is a big and crowded city. The only way to get better at parking is to find convenient monthly parking spot. While this might seem hard, you can do it by simply searching your preferred location, and view parking spot availability through “WhereIPark” app. It’s an interactive app that will help you view monthly parking spots in Los Angeles. Check details for each offer and get the perfect parking spot that meets your needs.

What are the advantages of monthly parking? Well, parking almost speaks for themselves: you save time and frustration in looking for a spot to park your car. Plus, it’s cost-effective, considering that Los Angeles is one of the most expensive and crowded cities in the USA. Booking in advance will help you avoid unpleasant costs. Booking a parking space is easy: take a look on the map of the city, and see where available space are.

Ultra-classic Airbags

The ultra-classic airbags help stop vehicles in case of accidents. The resistance in the airbags will help stop the car, or slow it down. Today, there are many versions of airbags that include airbag, curtains airbag (and underneath), seatbelts, and knee airbag. Mercedes, for example is going to incorporate the ultra-airbags as a safety measure. It’s possible to see them placed soon in most tech-advanced vehicles.

Intercommunication system

This is a future innovation to look for, as this helps pass the information with other cars. It improves safety on the roads, so it means that your car will be able to detect danger before the driver does. It might also hit the brake, reducing the impact in case of a possible accident. Most cars will have signals in them, so accidents will be reduced, since the vehicles will share the information further.

The Bottom Line

The automotive industry is set to experience new innovations. These technologies can save people’s time, energy, and help you enjoy more your ride. If at all possible, some of these technologies will soon be available on the market. Top companies will teste them, and if they’re worth it, implement them in the vehicles. There is a change about top happen in the future – are you ready for a better driving experience?

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