The Website Development Process

the website development process


Building a website demands proper planning and development. Your website is the first place your customers will visit so it should be clear and unique.

It is also the face of your business. A web developer should be able to create good content with the help of programming languages like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Nevertheless, there is more to website development than implementing codes, wire-frame ad content management.

Website creations go hand in hand with an overarching strategy. In this article, we will discuss the various process involved in successful web creation.

Gather information

This is a very critical step in the creation process. Knowing the short-term and long-term goals of the business is important. It ensures that the site created is relevant to the type of business.

What product and services do you want to promote? Who is your target audience? What do you want to achieve with the site?

These are some of the information you should gather before creating the site. For instance, if you’re planning to sell lingerie then your target audience should be adults.


Now that you have gathered all the necessary information required, it’s time to create a wire-frame and a sitemap. The main goal of a sitemap is to create the structural part of the site.

Your site map will direct the search engines on the date the site was updated, where a certain page is located, the importance of the page in relation to other pages on your site, and the updating frequency.

The wire-frame, on the other hand, includes the email description, live chats, log-in details, admin among others.


How your business appears online will determine its success. You should create your web design with the target audience in mind.

The features, color contract, videos, images, theme all should be in line with your products and services. For example, an internet site meant for construction supplies should be completely different from that meant for school supplies. T

his is because the target audience in this case is different as well as the product and the services offered. Additionally, you can use the design layout to structure your site accordingly. See this link to read more on the processes involved in web development


This is the stage where your site comes to life with the help of a web developer. A web developer will run codes on it to make it function and perform efficiently.

It is also the stage where all the previous graphic designs become functional. Similarly, the main page is created in this stage then all the other pages follow based on the structural part, cited in the sitemap. Basically, all the key elements to be used in the website are developed in this stage.

Content writing

when all the elements in the previous stages become functional, it’s time to create catchy content for your audience.

The content should include titles, sub-titles, contact information, tags, google maps, and more. Make sure your content is clear and attractive enough to lure potential clients to your site.

This section is also where you will be updating your audience on the current happenings in your business. It could be to promote a new brand, create more leads or invite new customers to your business.


This is where the performance of the site’s elements is tested to make sure they run smoothly. From links, script, pages to the spelling check software, make sure to check every element for possible errors. Plus, check out if your code falls under the current web creation standards.


Some people may think that since the site has been launched, that’s the end of the developing process. Site maintenance is crucial to avoid probable inconveniences.

One must be available to work on customer feedback, the post-development process, and issuing of project documents and the source code to the customers.

To avoid being overwhelmed by the maintenance process, you can involve the web developer to do the job for you.

Choosing CMS

WordPress is the most popularly used CMS on most sites. It is also easy to use and maintain. You can also save up a lot of money with WordPress.

Big companies like Sony, blog, Yahoo blog, and eBay also use this platform for their website. Not only does WordPress make blogging easier but also provides important elements to operate your business. Click here to read more on becoming a web developer.


web developer

The perfect website doesn’t exist, but there are steps you can follow to make your site stand out from the rest. A key thing to keep in mind is that the launch stage is just the beginning of the job. You will need to occasionally monitor your site for new features and contents, edit your messaging and keep track of your analytics. A good site ensures high retention, good user experience, and successful user traffic. With that said, consider all the development steps regardless of the size of the project.

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