A General Overview of Semiconductor Manufacturing

semiconductor manufacturing


A semiconductor is a material whose conductivity is between insulators and conducts. The material conducts electricity more than insulators like ceramics but less than pure conductors such as aluminum. These almost physics-defying properties stem from the material used in making semiconductors. Some of them are products of pure elements such as silicon, while others come from compounds like cadmium selenide and lead sulfide.

These just OK conductors allow electricity to pass through them but after stimulation. The stimulation might be informed by light, magnetic field, infrared light, or even x-rays.

How are Semiconductors Made?

Semiconductors are made using a process called doping, where impurities are added to pure conductors. This alters their conductivity forming a semiconductor. However, the process is fragile and requires special skill sets and machinery. As such, there are specific computer-controlled machines that create semiconductors.

Types of Semiconductors

Semiconductors are classified according to how they are produced. They can be extrinsic or intrinsic.

Intrinsic semiconductors

These are semiconductors that are made from pure elements. They are also virgins chemically without any impurities. Most manufacturers use germanium (Ge) and silicon (Si) in these semiconductors.

Extrinsic semiconductors

This is another type of semiconductor which is manufactured from compounds. Here, the material is converted to a semiconductor by introducing impurities in the form of suitable elements using a process called doping.

Do We Need Semiconductors?

Semiconductors or chips play a pivotal role in modern-day communication. They fabricate almost all electronic machines and even medical diagnostic equipment. Majorly, chips are used in smartphones, computers, and gaming hardware.

The Semiconductor Manufacturing Process

As already stated, semiconductor manufacturing is a fragile process. It requires precision and a keen eye for quality. Other than a human resource, chip manufacturing equipment is one of the largest employers of IT, supports wet processing systems, and gives out a wide array of products.

Things to Consider When Selecting a Semiconductor Machine

Here are more things you should consider when selecting a semiconductor machine.

Focus on thorough documentation

Chips machines are complex; thus, a great deal of documentation is required for effectiveness. Documentation should cover every aspect of the machine, from electrical connection to fixing broken parts.

Select a company that offers more than one appliance

Chip processing is a multistage operation. It tables different engineering skills; thus, you need various machines to get the job done. Choosing a company that offers a wide range of tools is critical in getting the job done.

Latest technology

Integration of new technology in the manufacturing of chips opens the doors to endless possibilities. Among them are accuracy and diversity. With a high-tech chip processor, you can supply semiconductors to car manufacturers, military and tech giants.

Repair and maintenance

Semiconductor machines are high-tech devices that often require repair and maintenance checkups. When choosing these machines, consider this factor. If a machine requires repairs very often, it might not be what you want since it will cost you more in terms of time and money.

Also, go for a machine whose spare parts are available and can be obtained whenever you want. This will help you smoothen the repair process, and in the end, you will spend less.

Have a firm understanding of the equipment specs

Having a firm grip of equipment specs is vital when making all semiconductors. A machine with the right specs is going to improve your output and provide the exact item you want. In other words, specs play a pivotal role in your production.

The Takeaway

Semiconductors are among a few components running the electronic world. They are manufactured using doping and come in two major types; intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. However, when choosing a machine to produce chips, consider specs, repair, and maintenance, and documentation.

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